ROI Driven

Convert up to 300% more visitors into leads, demos, and sales.

Adding DigiFront to your marketing funnel is proven to build visitor's trust, create urgency, and increase conversions by 10-15% per page.

Data Driven Results

The Science Behind it.

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Live social proof for your site

Let your visitors see recent customer interactions in real-time.

Social proof is often used as a marketing technique to get people to buy particular products. As marketers have come to learn about how strong a persuasive power social proof has on consumer behavior, they ensure to make their consumers witness that other people also purchase and like their product.

When in a physical store, consumers might decide to purchase a product based on the type of customer they see in the store or other people they see looking at the product. This kind of social proof isn’t possible when online shopping, so we've came up with other ways to display social proof. Choose from options such as live pops ups of real-time customer reviews on your website, live visitor and recent purchases counter, plus many more widgets that get your customer engageing.

“We rely largely on unconscious processes to guide our shopping behaviour,”

- Dr Myers.

Don't just take my word for it

Let your customers do the talking

No one cares what you have to say about your business. Social proof is when customers sell for you.

Trust Automated

The most effective and authentic approach to marketing

Today's savvy consumers prefer personal recommendation over self-promotion.